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What’s happening

25 June 2017 / Read more

The Loan that Brightened Bulaiton’s Dream

When Bulaiton Natison graduated from the carpentry class of our vocational training programme earlier this year, he had a serious ambition – to launch his own carpentry business. It was a dream he was planning to pursue. Bulaiton realized that setting up a small business workshop would also go a long way towards self sustenance. He had received a set of toolkits after he graduated, of course, but the tools were not sufficient to launch a full scale small workshop.

There is Hope-Varpentry Vocational training
18 June 2017 / Read more

“I Can Make 30 Thousand Kwacha a week”

That was what Aubrey Banda boldly told us. Aubrey is a carpenter. He graduated from our carpentry class in 2015. In a rural community where Aubrey comes from, earning even 5 thousand Kwacha is considered quite an achievement. Today, the man can make 30 thousand Kwacha per week but that was not the case in the past.

There is Hope, Malawi- Enelesi- The Girl Who got Saved
8 June 2017 / Read more

The Girl Who Got Saved

Their house is small, dry floored with mud and still in the construction phase. It stands alone along a dusty road and is among one of the several of such houses in this rural community. This is the remotest part of Dowa district, about 22 kilometres away. Two goats lie lazily just near the front […]

There is Hope-Vocational Training-Bricklaying
1 June 2017 / Read more

Aiming to Beat Men at Bricklaying

Female bricklayers… It is not everyday that one bumps into a woman holding a spirit level and building a house or maybe sliding under a vehicle to fix a mechanical fault. In many countries – if not all – construction and engineering trades are heavily dominated by males, forcing some to believe that females cannot engage in those areas.

Refugee Food ration for 4 family per Month
23 May 2017 / Read more

Are Refugees Really taking over Malawi? Read the facts

The open letter to President Peter Mutharika by Mr. Kamwembe, Advisor to Northern Region Development Association, and a number of other recent articles on the issue of refugees in Malawi have caused me great concern. These writings are often stripped of facts and isolated from any context. I was born in a refugee settlement in DR […]

9 May 2017 / Read more

Changing Lives One Card at a Time

When you are living in the remotest parts of the village, where income is low and money is as rare as a pot of gold, life becomes unbearable. Even buying a bar of soap to use for laundry, dishes and body hygiene is often a real struggle.

maze donation for disabled people
22 February 2017 / Read more

Bringing Hope to People with Disabilities

“Alendo, alendo tiwalandire bwanji alendo, tiwalandire bwanji alendo, achokera kutali, kutali ku Dzaleka” This was the song that broke out when There is Hope distributed maize and clothes to parents of children with disabilities at Lilambwe village.

Kankhande Early Childhood Development Centre (ECD)
16 February 2017 / Read more

To Kankhande with Love

Arriving at the place, one is instantly swarmed by a group of excited children. They eagerly wave their hands and come running with their arms stretched out. Some stand outside the semidetached 2-room classroom block. A few of them carry books and pencils, getting ready to start their day with another session in class.

Graduating bricklaying class of There is Hope Vocational training Course 2017
15 February 2017 / Read more

Government Official Visits Our Graduation Ceremony

A representative from Ministry of Labour, Youth, Sports and Manpower Development, said he is very impressed with There is Hope’s steady progress in its vocational training courses.
Mr. Rexford Kachepa, Chief Technical Officer in the ministry said this during a graduation ceremony There is Hope held for students from its vocational training programme.

Tailoring Class- Graduation 2017
10 February 2017 / Read more


10 February 2017! It was a perfect day. The sky was clear; the mood was friendly. It was a memorable date on There is Hope’s calendar because we were holding a special function at our Lilambwe centre.

30 January 2016 / Read more

Higher Salaries Can Worsen

Duis sed odio sit amet nibh vulpuate cursus a sit amet mauris. Morbi accumsan ipsuy veli. Nam nec telus aodio tincid unt auctor Class aptent taciti sociosqu adlitora orquper conubiea Mauris ine odio condimentum sit am lorem thats ornar eodio Sed non mauris vitae erat it an consequat auctor.

30 January 2016 / Read more

Ebola epidemic may be soon

Duis sed odio sit amet nibh vulpuate cursus a sit amet mauris. Morbi accumsan ipsuy veli. Nam nec telus aodio tincid unt auctor Class aptent taciti sociosqu adlitora orquper conubiea Mauris ine odio condimentum sit am lorem thats ornar eodio Sed non mauris vitae erat it an consequat auctor.