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Crafting a Future Beyond Circumstance
At 22 years old, Christopher Namalanga is a testament to the resilience and resourcefulness of Malawi’s youth. As the fourth child in a family of five, Christopher’s life took an unexpected turn when he had to drop out of secondary school to support his family after a tragic accident left his father, an international truck driver, unable to work due to a lower limb amputation. Christopher tried out different trades before realizing that carpentry was his true calling, motivated by his commitment to take care of his family.
“After dropping out, I tried tailoring at a certain shop in my village. But it was not my thing. Then my mother learned of There is Hope, and they sent me to do my dream trade of carpentry there,” Christopher recalls.
He enrolled in the Skill Up program at the There Is Hope training center, which improves the lives of young men and women in Dzaleka Refugee Camp and rural Malawi through non-formal Technical Vocational Education and Training, TVET.
For six months, Christopher immersed himself in learning the craft of carpentry. Upon graduation, he sought mentorship from a renowned local carpenter, gaining invaluable on-the-job experience. This apprenticeship not only honed his skills but also provided a steady income, allowing him to support his family and gain recognition as a skilled craftsman in his community.

Christopher in a carpentry workshop at There is Hope vocational training centre.
“When I graduated, I approached a certain well-known carpenter in my community to be under his tutorage. I started working under him, and I continue to learn more on-the-job,” explain Christopher.
Christopher’s transformation from a student to a respected professional is a testament to the impact of the Skill Up program. The post-training support he received, which included business planning and digital skills mentorship, has equipped him with the tools necessary to realize his dream of opening his own carpentry and joinery shop.
His aspirations are not just about personal success; Christopher envisions creating employment opportunities for other youths, contributing to the economic development of his community. He expresses profound gratitude for the training and opportunities provided by There Is Hope, which have positioned him at the forefront of his trade.
Christopher’s story is a powerful reminder that with the right support and determination, young individuals can overcome adversity and achieve their dreams. As the Skill Up program continues to train youths in various trades, it fosters a generation of skilled professionals like Christopher, who are ready to build a better future for themselves and their communities.
“Through my time at the carpentry shop, I have been able to raise funds, and avoid indulging in immoral behavior because I am busy. And now my community knows me as an able carpenter,” explains Christopher. He adds, “I was called back six months after my completion of training to attend the post-training course in business planning. This has empowered me with business and digital skills to set up a successful business.”
With the support of the Skill Up program, funded by WHH, Christopher is not only setting a foundation for his future but also paving the way for others to follow in his footsteps.