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Social Enterprise
Helping the poor
A sustainable income can transform families by providing necessary goods and services, increasing a sense of dignity and by allowing parents to be positive role models to the next generation. In Malawi, more than half the population lives on less than one US dollar a day. Limited capital often means that businesses or ambitions never take off. There is Hope supports business development by providing small scale loans and opportunities to be involved in our social businesses.
“When we want to help the poor, we usually offer them charity. Most often we use charity to avoid recognizing the problem and finding the solution for it. Charity becomes a way to shrug off our responsibility. But charity is no solution to poverty.Charity only perpetuates poverty by taking the initiative away from the poor. Charity allows us to go ahead with our own lives without worrying about the lives of the poor. Charity appeases our consciences.” Muhammad Yunus
Yunus is founder of Grameen Bank, the pioneer in the micro-finance industry. He’s also a Nobel prize winner. Leveraging the power of micro-loans, he was responsible for lifting millions of women out of poverty.
There is Hope wants to be a role model of financial independence for our communities, by making every effort to generate funds so that our activities are self-sustainable. Kibebe is a social enterprise registered by There is Hope in 2017. Our aim is to create employment, provide quality goods and services nationally and internationally, and invest all our profits into our programs. The people we employ are empowered with skills, an income, and the dignity that self-reliance brings.
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