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35-Year-Old Working Mother Returns to School
[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]When Jacqueline Hoya heard the news that she had been selected to commence a degree in education at Chancellor College, she danced with excitement! Her goal of going to college had finally been realized. Who would not dance anyway? She had worked hard for this day and the effort had ultimately paid off. A year back, she had re-sat her secondary school examinations and she passed with top results.
Her husband and two children shared the joy. Although Jacqueline had all the reasons to celebrate, one question bothered her – how was she was going to pay for her tuition fees? Slowly her hopes of attending college started fading away. Jacqueline was a primary school teacher and her salary could not even come close to covering the costs. Worse, she had no relative she could turn to for help. Then she heard that There is Hope had advertised for university scholarships.
Jacqueline’s optimism surged and she hastily dropped her application. Unknown to her, that year was the period we extended the university scholarship programme to Malawians. Jacqueline became the first Malawian recipient for the programme. Her once lost hope resurfaced!
“As soon as I saw my name on that scholarship list, my heart skipped a beat.” The 35-year-old woman expressed her delight. She rushed home and broke the news to her family. Once again the whole household went merry and this time the happiness was long lasting since the woman had a solution to her tuition problem.
“This is a big milestone in my life.” She retorted. “Not only will this scholarship put me through college, it will also help me become a role model to girls.” Jacqueline explained that without the opportunity, she would not have managed to afford the expensive college fees and that would have halted her ambition of encouraging girls to work hard in school. She believes that it would not have made any difference if she simply had a good secondary school certificate without attaining a college education.
Actually, Jacqueline has already started becoming a role model because as soon as she began her studies at the college, she inspired some fellow women workmates to return to school.
“A few female teachers from my school have begun attending evening classes.” She highlighted “They want to re-sit the secondary school examinations with hopes of making it to college too.” Jacqueline has suddenly become some sort of a celebrity and some individuals from the community seek her advice on how to excel in their studies. She perceives this as her moment of pride since the community she hails from, girl education is not valued that much. She explained that a lot of girls either drop out of school and get married or do not put much effort in their education as they are not properly motivated.
“When they get married, these girls believe that it is not possible to go back to school. Some of these girls have all it takes to continue with their education but who can motivate them?” She wondered. She observed that education is the key to helping women become independent both financially and socially. Jacqueline stated that she desires to prove to the girls that they have the ability to go back to school even if they are married.
There is Hope is working hard to ensure that it provides the much needed access to education to females because, just like Jacqueline, we believe that education is the stepping stone to self-sustenance to these women.
“I appreciate what There is Hope has done to me and it is my wish that this programme reaches out to as many underprivileged people as possible.” Thanked Jacqueline.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][/vc_column][/vc_row]